88. Rick Darge and Hilary Smith

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This week we sat down with comedian power couple Rick Darge and Hilary Smith to talk about how couples can work together creatively.  We talked about how they met, their backgrounds, and how creating content with your partner can, in fact, come easy. Our interview with this comedic duo was insightful, heartfelt, and hilarious. We had so much fun with the two of them! There were so many more topics we wanted to cover in this interview that we didn’t get to so rest assured we’re going to do our best to get them on again! To find out more about Hilary and Rick check out the info in their links below. 

Hilary Smith hails from the advertisement world, having worked on a number of high profile campaigns throughout her illustrious career. She’s been trained in performance, having done theater, dance, and standup, and currently creates original content under the banner Pretty Gross with her partner in crime, Rick Darge. 

Rick Darge comes from a production background, having worked on a ton of music videos, short films, and branded content. Rick got his start as an editor before transitioning to the production world as a cinematographer and now as a writer/director. His debut feature film, Zen Dog, has garnered a handful of awards throughout its indie run. Rick currently finds joy in creating comedy.

Check Out with Rick and Hilary are doing:

Rick’s podcast with Chris Candy, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bumper-2-bumper/id1489405214 that can be found on all podcasting platforms. 

Zen Dog, available for blue ray purchase at http://www.zendogmovie.com/ and Vimeo on demand. Watch the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=117&v=5_0DYfJNLwA&feature=emb_logo

Rick’s film festival Abrakadabra Alakazam. It features short, comedic, and experimental films from all over. You can submit here: http://abracadabraalakazam.com/

Prettygross @prettygross.co

Cortado, a short film produced by Halleloo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pJHUAfLU6w

Rick’s Youtube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/rickdarge


Ricks Darge



Hilary Smith



Husband and Wife Talk

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- The H&WT Team


89. Questions to Connect With Your Partner


87. Ways to Pull Yourself Out of the Blues