90. We Will Never Understand You but We Will Stand With you

This week we talked about what is happening in the world right now with the powerful Black Lives Matters Movement and how we are navigating conversations on this topic.

FIRST: We want to say that we are not experts on this topic but we would LOVE to have an expert on the topic come on the podcast. If you know anyone that can come talk to us please let us know! Send an email to info@dancingginger.com or send us a DM on instagram. We are not perfect and we are still learning and growing. We may have said something wrong during this episode and if we did, please reach out and let us know. We want to learn and get better.

If you listen to our podcast you know that we believe in the power of open, honest communication and we will continue to do so even if the conversation is hard. In this episode we talked about how we are communicating with others. We shared some tips that might help you as well.

We mentioned recourses that our friend Tony Tillman put together. You can read through it, HERE

Sending love to you all!


Husband and Wife Talk

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Instagram @dancinggingeralex



Instagram: @corey_loren  @halleloocreative


- The H&WT Team


91. Pete Ireland and Nathan Chang


89. Questions to Connect With Your Partner